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GALLOP WORLDTRADE LIMITED (abbreviated as “Gallop”) has been established since 1998 by MR LAI CHIU TAI who was honoured as “The King of Ganoderma”. Mr Lai’s concentration in the research and development of effective healthcare products with the core ingredient of Ganoderma Amboinense, has benefited all health-conscious mankind and deserved to receive such honour.

The development of Ganoderma Amboinense was originated from Japan technology in the 1970’s by Shinsho San, a scientist at the Kyoto University who discovered a new species of Ganoderma lucidum shaped like the deer horns. Ganoderma Amboinense is a spectacular species that does not release sporos.

Mr Lai brought the Japanese technology back to China for further development and eventually discovered unprecedented species of Ganoderma Amboinense that contains superb effective ingredients. From there, Mr Lai has began to establish Gallop’s cultivation ground.

In an indoor environment where all environmental elements are well-controlled and monitored to produce an advanced species of Ganoderma that does not release sporos but to retain all nutrients in the plant. Gallop’s Ganoderma amboinense is the first-ever brand in the market that contains the highest concentration of polysaccharides up to 57.7%.

To enhance the penetration of Ganoderma Amboinense to human body is the fundamental of Gallop’s health supplements. Gallop applies nanotechnology that enables 100% dissolution in water and penetration to the body for the best nutrient absorption.

With years of hardwork, Gallop has developed a series of Ganoderma Amboinense healthcare products for both human and pets’ daily intake, and extensive use in cooking and dining, drinks etc. It is a breakthrough of Ganoderma as a daily supplement but rather integrates into every individual’s daily lives.



Gallop’s unique Ganoderma Amboinense use microbial community as substrate for cultivation. While research and development are in the city of Dongguan, Ganoderma Amboinense cultivation is implemented in 1,800 acres indoor cultivation plant in Shandong of China. The plantation environment and process are all under strict supervision and monitoring. Deploying soilless plantation method, each individual Ganoderma Amboinense is embedded in a “nutrition bag of a unique formula” and grow in an indoor environment free of pollution, insect pests and heavy metal pollution.


Good and appropriate environment is the critical success factor to the cultivation of Ganoderma Amboinense. Gallop make prompt, necessary and detailed adjustments to the environment during plantation. From the beginning step of microbial community to a grown-up plant, each Ganoderma Amboinense undergoes more than 5,000 hours of full cultivation. The temperature is strictly controlled at 20oC to 35oC. Each plant thrives in a well-monitored environment and has a relatively richer content of effective health ingredients versus other species of ganoderma lucidum.


Application of the spectacular cultivation method has positively advanced Ganoderma lucidum\’s traditional growth pattern and shape. The advanced type of Ganoderma lucidum in the shape of a deer's horn – Ganoderma Amboinense will not release spores throughout the entire growth process which successfully retain all the nutrients in the body of the plant, consequently Gallop’s Ganoderma Amboinense contains more effective nutrients than that of the other Ganoderma lucidum species.